Welcome to Fantaji Island, a theme park land based on Japanese folktales. Created for Cal Poly Slo's CAPED 2020 Design Competition, this island is based around the Japanese proverb not seeing is a flower, which translates into "reality cannot compete with imagination." This is present in every part of this land. Including one dark ride, one coaster, one boat ride, one immersive show/walk-through hybrid, retail experiences, dining experiences, and a nighttime spectacular, this land takes guests into Japanese folktales.
My contribution to this project included writing, minor graphic design, presentation building, and management. Working with Matthias Baker, a cognitive science student from UC San Diego, Reiko Huffman, a scenic design masters student from San Diego State University, and Andrew Bartleet, a civil engineering student from San Diego State University, we developed this park over ten weeks and explored multidisciplinary technologies to bring it to life. Check out the video below to hear our story and learn about our park.
Use the video to the left to watch our final submission, filmed and edited by Matthias Baker.